Monday, January 31, 2011

I am wondering about something

As Jesus was dying on the cross, he told his disciple John to take his mother as her own and to his mother he said that John was to be as her son. Now I know in the Hebrew culture a woman without husband or sons to care for her was in a very bad situation. And even though Mary no longer had Joseph to care for her, she did have other children. Jesus, we know, had brothers. So, why did they not care for Mary? Or did they? Was John simply asked to care for her in the moment because they both needed each other? I am just wondering about this. Can anyone answer?


  1. Ok...Joseph was gone and Jesus was going to heaven. It was a patriarchal society and as required by the law, he was to give her over to the oldest brother to care for her.

    Woman refers to the prophecy in Genesis where the offspring of the woman would crush the serpent's head (Genesis 3:15), which Jesus did with his crucifixion and resurrection. As Children of God we've become brothers and sisters of Christ, when Christ gave Mary to John he was giving her to us all, for if we are true siblings of Christ then his mother is our mother.

  2. Hmm, that makes sense. Only one thing I haven't quite grasped. Why would Jesus wish to symbolically 'give' his mother to us? Is that important somehow? If we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, then she is actually our sister. So, I am a bit confused about that part. Maybe I missed what you were trying to say? :)
